You just bought a new house. You should be happy, right? But unfortunately, you can’t quite shake this sinking feeling that somehow you’ve made a big mistake.
The good news is that feeling anxious after a big purchase is totally normal and there are ways you can deal with it. Here are a few proven methods you can use to help conquer that feeling of buyer’s remorse.
Remind yourself why you bought the house
When you first began your home search, did you write out a list of what you wanted and needed in a home? Now is the time to revisit that list. Does the home you just purchased tick off many of the items on your list? What was it about the house that made you originally fall for it? You might discover that it isn’t the house itself that is provoking your anxious feelings. It could just be that any home purchase would trigger these feelings. It can be incredibly reassuring to remind yourself of why this house is the one for you.
Make a list of your worries
Home ownership can bring with it a new set of worries that you might not have anticipated. Go ahead and make a list of what’s worrying you. This could be everything from not being able to afford your mortgage payments to making needed repairs on the house. After you’ve gotten all those doubts on paper, choose one worry and tackle it. Maybe it’s a small repair you can finish in an afternoon. Or perhaps it’s a plan for how you’ll pay your mortgage if you suddenly find yourself without a job. The best way to banish your worries is to confront them head on.
Pick your favorite spot
A great way to ease any worry is to be mindful and present. Walk around your new house and really see and experience every room in the present moment. How does the light hit the wall in the afternoon? Which window affords the best views? How nice is it going to feel sitting in front of a fire in the new fireplace? Imagine taking a bath in that new Jacuzzi tub. Pick a favorite spot in your new home that you can retreat to when you’re feeling particularly anxious. Take some deep breaths and remember that this feeling of buyer’s remorse is only temporary.
Have a housewarming party
Nothing makes a house feel more like home than filling it with friends and family who love you. Don’t feel like your house needs to be “finished” before inviting people over for a housewarming party. Have a barbecue, cook a three-course meal in your new kitchen, or get your friends together to watch the big game. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, just get your favorite people together to celebrate you and your new home. You’ll be amazed at how their excitement for you will make you feel.
Ultimately, when feeling anxious about your new home purchase, simply remember that this is a natural part of the home-buying process. Soon those feelings will pass and you’ll wonder why you ever worried in the first place.
Compliments of Virtual Results